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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera



Plant Height:

Small: 3 to 4 inches
Medium: 4 to 7 inches
Large: 8 to 11 inches

Pot Diameter:

Small: 4 to 5 inches
Medium: 5 to 6 inches
Large: 5 to 6 inches

Watering Schedule

Once a week

Sunlight Needed

Bright to Medium Indirect

Care Difficulty



Aloe Vera is a plant that can be easily taken care of and is perfect as a table top plant. It is a stemless plant with a thick, green and fleshy leaves that spreads out from its central stem. Not only is it a succulent plant but as wells as a medicinal plant that can be used as a cream, gel and ointment with various benefits. A mature aloe vera which is at least a few years old can be harvested for its gel and juice. It can be used to treat burns, improve digestive health, better oral health, clears acne and many more.

Get this Aloe Vera for sale in Manila and have it delivered to your doorstep safely.

  • Small – 3 to 4 inches in height
  • Medium – 4 to 7 inches in height
  • Large – 8 to 11 inches in height


With over 500 species of aloe, it originated from Sudan or the Arabian peninsula. The name ‘Aloe’ came from the Arabic word “alloeh” which means bitter shiny substance while ‘vera’ in Latin means “real”. It could be said that the Aloe Vera is one of the oldest mentioned plant on record which has been used for it medical and health benefits. Thus, Ancient physicians called it a “miracle plant” or the “nature healer”. With its hundreds of aloe species that grown around the world, only one has been useful to mankind.

Care Guide

Aloe vera is a plant that can adapt from full to bright indirect light. This plant is a water lover so make sure to water directly to its soil until it drains. To check if it’s ready for another watering session, poke the soil and if the top soil (2 inches deep) is dry then your plant needs water. Watering depends on how much sunlight it gets so make sure to observe your Aloe vera plant from time to time.


Since aloe vera belongs to the succulent family, it is very easy to propagate. First, you have to check if your aloe vera has an aloe pup. If it does, the first thing to do is to get a sharp knife or a gardening tool that can cut properly and precisely. Slowly, cut the aloe pup from the mother plant and plant it on a dry potting mix. Allow the aloe pup to adjust to its new environment for a week then water directly to the soil.

Aloe Vera


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Unbeleafable is one of the rising indoor plant shops in the Philippines. We focus mainly on indoor plants from table tops to hanging plants to big air purifying plants— and to many more.


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