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Silver Satin Pothos

Silver Satin Pothos



Plant Height:

Small: 3 to 5 inches min. of 4 leaves
Medium: 3 to 5 inches min. of 7 leaves
Large: 3 to 5 inches min. of 15 leaves
XLarge: 3 to 5 inches min. of 20 leaves

Pot Diameter:

Small: 3 to 4.5 inches
Medium: 3 to 4.5 inches
Large: 3 to 4.5 inches
XLarge: 5 to 6 inches

Watering Schedule

Once a week

Sunlight Needed

Bright to Medium Indirect

Care Difficulty



Silver Satin Pothos has a dark green with white spotted foliage, similar to the  shape like other Pothos. This plant for sale in Manila has a stiff structure as compared to the usual Golden Pothos that can be easily guided when vining in a wall.


Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ commonly known as Satin Pothos. This is the most common variety. The name of this pothos basically means silvery, which is used to describe the variegation or spots seen on its leaves.

Care guide

This indoor plant for sale in Manila is beginner-friendly. They thrive best in bright indirect sunlight but can tolerate low to medium light conditions. Make sure not to place them in direct sunlight as this might scorch their leaves.  As for their watering schedule, once a week watering is recommended to allow them to dry out in between waterings. Let excess water drain out of the pot to avoid root rot or overwatering. Silver Satin Pothos can also tolerate any humid levels so don’t sweat it!


Propagating these Silver Satin Pothos for sale in Manila requires stem cuttings. First, make sure to cut in between nodes to include them. Without a node, they won’t be able to develop roots. Although optional, you can dip the end of your cuttings in rooting hormone. Choose your medium for propagation – water or soil. If soil, make sure to use well-draining soil and care for them as you would with normal pothos. For water propagation, make sure to change the water every week or when needed. Place in bright indirect sunlight and wait for rooting to take place in about 3 to 4 weeks.

Silver Satin Pothos


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