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Scarlet Star Bromeliad


Scarlet Star Bromeliad


Plant Height:

Small: 10 to 12 inches

Pot Diameter:

Small: 4.5 to 6 inches

Watering Schedule

Once to twice a week

Sunlight Needed

Bright to Medium Light

Care Difficulty



The Scarlet Star Bromeliad are tall plants with multiple glossy green leaves flaring out with a gorgeous flower blooming in the center. Bromeliad plants gives a sun-kissed and tropics vibes to your homes or garden. Having this plant will add appealing touch and color to your interior. The bloom starts off green, which eventually turns red, yellow, orange, etc. depending on what color the final bloom will be.

  • Plant height: 10 to 12 inches
  • Pot diameter: 4.5 to 6 inches


Bromeliads are part of the Bromeliaceae family with over 3000 species. Bromeliads originated from the Andes mountains and the jungles of Uruguay but can now be found across America. Originally, this flowering plant can be only found in royal botanical gardens or greenhouses of wealthy Europeans. It was then introduced to the masses and now more available. With new discoveries, plant breeders are able to create hybrids to be able to introduce a new plant.

Care Guide

This Bromeliad for sale in Manila thrives best under bright indirect sunlight.


The easiest way to propagate a Bromeliad is when it is fully matured and its bract is dead. The mother plant will produce multiple offsets or pups at the bottom which you can use for propagation once its reached a height of about 6 inches. Desoil your plant and gently separate the pups from the mother plant. Repot these pups in their own separate containers. Keep its potting mix moist or water their central cups.

Scarlet Star Bromeliad


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