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Licuala Grandis

Licuala Grandis


Plant Height:

Small: 2 to 3ft

Pot Diameter:

Small: 12 inches

Watering Schedule

Once to twice a week

Sunlight Needed

Bright to Low Indirect

Care Difficulty



The Licuala Grandis, commonly known as the Ruffled Fan Palm, is a unique palm plant in which its leaves are pleated, circular and fan-shaped. It is an elegant and unique compared to other palms. A real tropical plant, the Licuala likes bright indirect light but can withstand direct light when the plant is mature. It adds It will add accent and is ideal for living rooms, hallways and tropical landscapes.

  • Plant height: approximately 2 to 3 ft
  • Pot diameter: 12 inches


Ruffled Fan Palms are native to the humid and wet rainforests of the Republic of Vanuata and Solomon Islands of Australia. They also belong to the Arecaceae family. Its fruits will turn red when ripe with a round marble-like shape with seeds inside. The Latin name Grandis means ‘grand’ or ‘spectacular’ because of its leaves. Additionally, in its native habitat it can be nearly 30 feet tall with a width of 8 inches.

Care Guide

This Licuala Grandis for sale in Manila thrives best in bright indirect sunlight where it can experience optimum growth. Although they’re also tolerant of low light conditions. Meanwhile, its recommended watering schedule is once a week or when the soil has dried out. Make sure to water equally and that excess water drains at the bottom of the pot.


This plant can only propagated through seeds.

Licuala Grandis


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