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Plant Height:

Small: 5 to 8 inches

Pot Diameter:

Small: 3 to 5 inches

Watering Schedule

Twice to thrice a week

Sunlight Needed

Bright Indirect Light


The Lavender or Lavandula x intermedia ‘Phenomenal’ is popular for its wonderful aroma. It has silver-green leaves with thick foliage. It has a strong scent that could transfer to your skin once touched or rub. This one is challenging to care for than most herbs but definitely worth it! Not to be confused with French Lavender as they are of a different variety, but are closely related.

  • Plant height: 4 to 6 inches
  • Pot diameter: 3 to 5 inches

We also recommend putting herbs like Lavender in our cocopots as they thrive well in them too.

History & Health Benefits

This herb discovered by Lloyd and Candy Traven of Peace Tree Farm in Pennsylvania. In 2013, it’s been awarded as a Must-Grow Perennial by Better Homes & Gardens. This is usually used for its essential oils or sold as dried flowers. In its dry state, its fragrance still stays strong, making it great for aromatherapy!

Care guide

This herb for sale in Manila needs at least 6 to 8 hours of full sun a day, meaning, they thrive best outdoors or near a window that has access to bright sunlight. This herb likes its soil well-draining and on the dry side. A go signal to water them is when the top inch or so of the soil has dried up already. Once a day watering should be enough, or twice to thrice on a hot day. Make sure that the water completely drains at the bottom of the pot as well.


In propagating this herb for sale in Manila, use 1 to 2-inch tip cuttings that are not woody or blooming. Plant the cuttings into pre-moistened soil, then mist your cuttings on the first few days and gradually decrease. A common mistake most people do would be overwatering them through misting. Water them once the soil is dry and leave them in a bright area.




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