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Ultimate Guide To Indoor Plants In The Philippines

Ultimate Guide To Indoor Plants In The Philippines

Ultimate Guide To Indoor Plants In The Philippines

What’s the ultimate guide to indoor plants in the Philippines?

  1. Watering indoor plants
  2. Sunlight for indoor plants
  3. Fertilizing indoor plants
  4. Propagating indoor plants

Indoor plants are an essential part of every interior design, be it at home, in the office, or even in your place of business. After all, greenery brightens up indoor spaces, is versatile, and can be relatively easy to take care of, too! 

That said, if you’re getting indoor plants for the first time, you’re going to need some help. We’ve prepared a simple guide to indoor plants in the Philippines to get you started on your plant care. With this, you can make the most out of your indoor plants, and make sure they stay vibrant, beautiful, and healthy! Read on.

What Are Indoor Plants?

What Are Indoor Plants?

As you can guess from its name, indoor plants are plants that grow and thrive indoors. They’re also known as potted plants, and come in a wide variety of greenery, such as snake plants, pothos, succulents, and much more.  

Because they’re placed in different settings compared to outdoor plants, they have different needs. 

Guide To Indoor Plants In The Philippines

In this part, we’ll provide you with the essential information to allow your green babies to thrive.

Watering Indoor Plants

Watering Indoor Plants

Just like humans, indoor plants need water as much as we do! The amount of water needed by each indoor plant depends on several factors such as the size of the pot, and how much sunlight it needs daily — so make sure to keep these in your mind!

When watering your indoor plants, you have to consider the environment it grows in. If you have desert plants such as succulents or cacti inside your house, they usually thrive best in dry environments. Therefore, they won’t demand so much water compared to other plants. 

To add, if your plant’s environment is in a place that often gets rain, then it would enjoy a lot of water. So, let it savor it!

Sunlight For Indoor Plants

The truth is, your plant will always show you what it needs by giving off signs. If its leaves are brown or starting to wilt, then most often, it means it’s getting too much direct sunlight. You can move it to a different location right away. Don’t wait for its leaves to “burn” because of too much sunlight.

On the other hand, if your plant is not getting enough sunlight it needs, it will start to look for it. For instance, its stems will stretch out to search for sunlight. 

Fertilizing Indoor Plants

You’re probably familiar with fertilizing plants. The best tip in fertilizing is that you keep in mind that it’s a supplement for plants. Just like how you take your vitamins for an extra boost! Over time, your plant’s soil will lose its minerals, so adding fertilizer will give more to your indoor plants.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to do it regularly. Once a year is good enough for your indoor plants. So, if you have indoor plants that grow so fast, then it needs fertilizer more often. On top of that, plants that bear flowers need more fertilizers than those low-light plants and recently potted ones.

Propagating Indoor Plants

Propagating Indoor Plants

Out of all the tips we’ve provided you, propagating is probably the most challenging way of caring for your plants. However, the satisfaction you’ll get when it propagates will be worth the sweat! So, perhaps this question “how can I successfully propagate plants?” is on your mind now. Well, you have to grab your pruning shears or scissors to get started!

First off, pick a plant that you want to propagate. If you’re a newbie to this, we highly suggest you try out plants that are easier to propagate such as philodendron and pothos plants. They have plenty of leaves so you wouldn’t mind snipping away a few.

Second, once you’ve chosen a plant, look for a brown root node in its stem. When you find one, you can use scissors to cut a few inches below the node. After doing so, plant the newly cut stem with the node in the soil. 

Lastly, once you plant the stem, don’t water it right away. Give it a few days to properly get used in its new home. Therefore, all you have to do is to be patient and tightly cross your fingers and wish your indoor plant will thrive!

Key Takeaway

All these tips for caring for your indoor plants may sound overwhelming to you, but practice makes it perfect! Don’t hesitate to make room for errors. You’ll eventually get the hang of caring for your indoor plants soon. 

Now that you know the ultimate guide to indoor plants in the Philippines, don’t be the last one to sign up to become a pro plantito or plantita! All you have to do is pay closer attention to your plants and partner with the best plant supplier in the Philippines — Unbeleafable! 

Get in touch with Unbeleafable today!

Ultimate Guide To Indoor Plants In The Philippines
About Us

Unbeleafable is one of the rising indoor plant shops in the Philippines. We focus mainly on indoor plants from table tops to hanging plants to big air purifying plants— and to many more.


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